Hello and welcome to my journey! I am Julie and live in Exeter, NH. I have been married almost 28 years and we have 2 children, ages 23 and 15. With all the roles and titles I have had over the years, "Mom" is by far the best one. My family is my world and I am sure there will be blog entries in the future focusing on them.
And now, about how I started painting: My mom always had art supplies within our reach...paint, markers, scissors, paper, pencils, clay, dough...I get my creativity from her. I remember her making clay Christmas ornaments and when I was really young she also painted on canvas using watercolors. I never took art classes until I had to take an art class to fulfill requirements in college. It was Introduction to Drawing. Oh my gosh, I loved it! I followed that with a painting class and that is where I was introduced to painting on canvas, many (and I mean MANY) years ago, I have now decided to return to what I love to do! I had forgotten about the smells, the feelings, the joy...thank goodness I was inspired to begin painting again! What inspired me? Well, my grown daughter and friend decided to have a painting day. As I saw them create masterpieces on canvas I was reminded of a photo from about 22 years ago that I kept saying would make an amazing painting. It is a photo of my nephew Isaac, who as a toddler, would always run towards the ocean when he was at the beach. He was a busy little guy and always kept his mom on her toes! So, as I sat watching my daughter having fun painting, I went online and ordered new paintbrushes, paint and canvas. The next day I started painting Isaac! It felt incredible watching his little body taking form, as I was finally able to say "Hey! It really looks like Isaac!" What an amazing feeling. Attached is the final product, entitled "Beach Bum", which I am so proud of and was extremely excited to share with my dear friend, Cathy and her son Isaac. Why had I put off painting for so many years?! I guess life got busy. It's a lame excuse, but it is what it is. But now I am taking time for me, for my creations...I hope you enjoy coming along with me on my journey!
